Friday, January 30, 2015

About Me

I am a 30-something (wink wink) mother, wife and nurse. I was a single mother for many years. Until finally meeting my Mr.Right.  We have a "yours, mine and ours" household. And in all the craziness, it  works. Together we share six (yes, SIX) amazing kiddos. Their ages are 20, 16, 14, 11, 5, & 3.
(Photo courtesy of Heidi Lynn Photography)
My husband and I have been married for five years. We went to the same school, probably passed each other in the hallway but never even spoke. A little over five years ago, when Facebook was newer and more exciting, I sent him a friend request. (Because that's what you do, right???) We started joking around on his statuses (they were hilarious...because we are just THAT freaking awesome)  Then we started private messaging which led to exchanging phone numbers, and so on. 
I can still remember what he was wearing the first time we met face to face. With Otis Redding playing on the background, the rest is history. 

(photo courtesy of Heidi Lynn)

I've been a licenced nurse since 2001 (whew, that's a long time!) I have worked in geriatrics for the past 14 years, and seen many many things. Some will make you laugh, some will make you cry. Nursing is a tough job, emotionally (mentally and physically, too) You meet people that you can't imagine your life without and some you could do without. But all teach you life lessons. I am fortunate enough now, that I only work weekends. Monday through Friday I get the pleasure of being a stay at home mom. I tell my residents that the weekends are my vacation away from my bunch of crazies. 

(Photo courtesy of Santa's elves)
So, welcome to a little piece of my world. Feel free to leave a comment or any questions. Thanks for stopping by!