Thursday, April 16, 2015

New Beginnings

Back in March, I was talking to my sister and mentioned the "new fad" on Facebook....the 21 day fix and shakeology. I mentioned it because I had actually seen some friends that had had good results from doing it. And I wanted someone to say, "you should try that".
I've tried a lot of things to lose weight (weight watchers, slim for life, prescription diet pills....) and each time, I gained all my weight back and then some.
When I would get down to my goal, I'd think, "sweet, I made it" then I'd forget to keep working out. And the weight would creep back. At one point, I remember standing on the scales, reading the number and thinking..."that's not so bad. I can lose it" Which, I could've....had I tried. I didn't. Here I am, 218lbs.
The day my beachbody challenge pack arrived, I was thrilled and terrified.

I also ordered a sampler box. 
My first round of the 21 day fix started on March 23rd. TOTAL BODY CARDIO, my first workout. It was NO joke! Thank goodness for Kat, the modifier. Sadly, I needed to modify her modifications. I felt good afterwards. But the next day I thought I was going to DIE!!! It hurt to walk and set. I swear the toilet and stairs were my enemy. 
My husband suggested a foam roller on the third day. I rushed to Walmart to pick one up. BEST THING EVER! I immediately felt better. I could at least walk up and down the stairs without tears. 
I worked out each day, ate the food allowed in the containers. Drank my shakes and felt great. And after  my first round, I'm down 5 pounds and a total of 9 1/2 inches!!
I'm looking forward to my next round! 

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